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Veggie Poke
about us
About Us

Brought together by The Beach Boys and John Stamos and bonded by our love of healthy and indulgent meals and desserts! We both have a strong interest in nutrition and listening to our bodies (but are by no means experts). Dana has been dating Lexi's younger brother, Will, for 3 years. Starting a blog focused on healthy living has always been a goal for each of us separately. With help from a few White Claws, we decided to merge our visions and Dishes on the DL was born!


Working for Paul Mitchell the School by day and ferociously cooking meals for an always hungry husband at night-- I started cooking out of necessity and quickly fell in love with the process.


My mom has a million amazing qualities but cooking wasn't one of them. I was raised on plain chicken breasts, white rice, frozen pizza, and boxed mac and cheese-- big, bold flavors were not a big part of my childhood. When I moved to downtown Chicago after college I was introduced to so many new flavors and was determined to recreate them. I am a very big advocate for why spend money on something you can do yourself!


I have always struggled with physical health issues and have recently been diagnosed with PCOS. My nutritional health and mobility have always gone hand-in-hand with each other. When one suffers, the other immediately follows suit. Creating dishes that pack a punch while delivering balanced nutrition has become my thing. Don't ask me to bake unless it's premade cookie dough. I leave the baking to Dana.


I am a Trader Joe's hoe. Turned 30 this year. Have a sassy fat cat named Kitty and a sassy, not fat husband named Daniel.


Hi I'm Dana! I am strong advocate for living a healthy lifestyle but also living with that balance (which is where my baking comes in). As mentioned above, Lexi and I both have a passion for creating recipes and working towards a more healthier and flavorful lifestyle (all while making it inexpensive!)


I am by no means an expert baker or have any official training but what I do have is years of experience. My love for baking was found at a young age when my mom let me bake with her (and the love grew fonder when she let me lick the spoon!) I have learned and attempted a magnitude of different recipes from pastries to cookies throughout my life and get even more inspired when I watch a good baking competition show.


Yes, I know, having baked goods in the house isn’t exactly living that “healthy lifestyle” but I do hope I will be able to change your mind with some of my recipes. But if not, I did say that life is about the balance. I hope you enjoy this journey with us as we get to explore and expand within our passions!





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